Ever lost an iPhone? How did you survive without it?

iPhone, iPhone 5, apple, lenox, i lost my iPhone, where is my iPhone, how can i live without my iPhone, atlanta, jay croft, writer, blog

Where, oh where, are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone…?

UPDATE: How my saga concluded

Ending Day 2 without my iPhone. Kinda tense. An hour ago I started driving to Lenox Square Apple Store to replace it, but I turned around: I don’t want to spend $300 tonight and find the dang thing tomorrow morning. I’m giving it one more day.

But the first two haven’t been easy.

No calls, pictures, social media updates. No emailing, no Googling random facts, no texting Tony about the kids on “Idol.”

My dependence on my smartphone has surprised me because I think I’m a pretty average iPhone user. I love it and use it all day, largely to take photos for Instagram and this blog, to write or voice-record lyric ideas for songs, and to keep a running tally of my daily to-do list and communications. I listen to music on it while I’m at the gym. And I use it as my alarm clock (so, yeah, I rushed to work after oversleeping a bit this morning). Without it now for two days, I have felt disoriented and a little twitchy.

Yikes! Maybe this dependence shouldn’t surprise me so much. At least I don’t text at dinner instead of talking with my date, right?

What about you? Have you ever lost a smartphone? How long till you found it — or gave up and bought a new one? And what did you miss the most about it?

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2 thoughts on “Ever lost an iPhone? How did you survive without it?

  1. Scott smith

    Our retail consultants tell me that men today are more likely to leave their wallets home than their smartphones. The fact that you’re living without yours for a few days is a throwback to a time when people planned ahead and looked at people when they spent quality time with them instead of going out and spending the bulk of the time interacting with their computerized device instead of with one another. I wonder what many of us would do if we had to set down our smartphones for 4 hours one day a week.

  2. Jay Croft Post author

    Yeah, that’s why I wrote about this, Scott, and thanks for writing here. They’re everywhere, all the time — and I have really noticed NOT having it these last couple of days. Now, truthfully, we do need them. Or, at least, I need my smartphone. But maybe I can take this as a reason to not treat it like a third hand or something. You know, until Apple comes out with that, which I would totally get. (JOKING!)


Let me know what you think!